CXR’s x-ray machines are safe for your product. Government Regulations 21 CFR 179.21 state that, for cabinet x-ray, no food shall be exposed to radiation sources so as to receive an absorbed dose in excess of 10 grays. CXR’s x-ray inspection machines are...
CXR closely monitors for radiation to be certain we are staying well within safe limits. The x-ray inspection machines are tested for radiation emissions using a certified Ludlum radiation meter every time they are set up, whether at our plant or a customer’s...
According to Government Regulations, 10 CFR 20, allowable occupational radiation exposure limits are 5,000 MR/year for whole body (head, trunk, arms about the elbow, legs about the knee) and 50,000 MR/year for extremities (hands, elbows, arms below the elbows, foot,...
CXR’s x-ray inspection systems are extremely safe and use only low-level x-ray sources. The equipment is designated Cabinet X-Ray by the FDA is permitted to emit no more than .5 milliroentgen per hour at any point five centimeters from the external surface. This...