CXR now offers the Rubber Fab product line of gaskets, o-rings, seals, etc. including the x-ray inspectable and metal detectable “Detectomer®” family of products!

Need X-Ray Inspection Services?

CXR Company offers x-ray inspection services and x-ray leasing programs to food processors, packed goods manufacturers, auto part makers, and other industries.


with our team to discuss your x-ray inspection service needs.

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for your free preliminary product analysis to ensure the best support.

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for x-ray inspection services to be performed at your location or ours!

X-Ray Inspection Experts

We are experts in the x-ray detection of product contaminants, defects, and voids. Before you ship out your goods, see the difference with CXR Company of Warsaw, Indiana.

Our X-Ray Inspection Services

See the difference in every aspect of our inspection service : from the quality of our customer care to the accuracy of our Accuvue™ industrial x-ray machines; from the flexibility of our NDT x-ray inspection equipment lease terms to the speediness of our xray equipment delivery – CXR is here to quickly solve your problem.

Industries Served

CXR Company provides superior quality control x-ray inspection services.

Our industrial x-ray machine leasing programs are typically used with the following industries and their verticals.



Pet Foods

Bakery/Snack Items

If you do not see your industry listed, please contact CXR Company. When it comes to product safety, we are always expanding into new areas of focus.