How It Works
Industrial Real-Time, Portable X-Ray Inspection
Machines for Non-Destructive Testing of Your Product
Give us a call, fill out our on-line form or send us an e-mail. Our experienced sales staff is ready to solve your contamination problem with our x-ray inspection service.
We usually ask you to send a sample of your product to us along with the suspected contaminant so we can run a FREE test for you. This saves time and money because it allows us to be sure that we can solve your problem before we send a CXR technician for your job or arrange to
Once we have determined we can help you, we will provide you with your x-ray inspection and leasing options. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and rapid response time!
Find answers to frequently asked questions here!
CXR’s X-Ray Inspection Services & Machine Leasing Options
Inspection at Your Plant
We will load a stainless steel x-ray unit into one of our customized vans and send our technician to your plant. With a little help from your forklift operator, our technician will set up the ACCUVUE™ real-time x-ray unit, test it thoroughly for accuracy and safety, and train your personnel how to run it. Our equipment is easy to use, so training time is very short.
Inspection at Our Plant
We are an FDA registered Food Facility. We can x-ray inspect most products at our plant using our trained personnel.
Lease Options
We offer leases ranging from a single 8 hour shift to a monthly lease and beyond. We will work with you to provide the most cost-effective lease option for your project.
Our Confidentiality Clause
In our business, we are well aware of the importance of confidentiality.
Our employees are required to submit to a strict non-disclosure policy, and we are always
happy to sign and comply with your company’s confidentiality clause.