t3 phase x-ray machinery for inspection is “overkill”.

When looking to lease or purchase x-ray inspection equipment from CXR Company, you do not need 3 phase power. Our quality control imaging equipment is all single phase, however, some folks have asked if 3 phase x-ray machinery is better?

We did a little research on this for those of you who might be curious.

So, we reached out to Kay Industries, the phase converter experts, whose Phasemaster® brand is the worldwide leader in rotary 3ph converters. And, is made locally in Plymouth, Indiana. In fact, that is exactly 18 miles , a 21 minute drive from CXR Company, which in is Warsaw, Indiana.

According the their engineers, “for your application, three-phase is not required, 3ph would be overkill”, however, “three-phase power systems can handle larger loads and higher power demands more efficiently than single-phase systems.” According, to the company CEO, “Medical imaging devices are typically designed to be operated under three phase power loads. We for have sold countless phase converters for x-ray machines, CT Scanners, and other medical applications where only single phase utility power has been available. Typically, this is for more sensitive, and highly expensive medical equipment. Our understanding is the 3-phase is much more efficient.”

When we asked, “how much more efficient?” He recommended we speak to the manufacturers of the x-ray equipment.

“Each company has a nameplate with specifications of what to use. With imaging and medical equipment where lives are at stake it is wisest to slightly oversize the equipment when 3-phasr power is specified. However, when an x-ray machinery such as the ones leased by CXR Company specify single phase, the only thing to consider is voltage requirements.”

We asked for an example.

Kay: “Okay, consider your own building. What is the incoming utility?” he asked.

CXR: “I beleive it is 120v/240v.

Kay: “This if your equipment calls for 240v nothing else is needed, simply plug-in the x-ray scanner. However, if the x-ray inspection machine calls for 208 or 480v you have a problem. Since both the incoming and equipment are single phase, and phase converter is not needed. Yet, the voltage difference calls for a DIR transformer to either buck-down from 240v to 208, or to step-up from 240v to 480v.”

CXR: “Wow, I can see why you are the phase converter experts.”

Kay: Laughs, “Yes, thanks. We were blessed by knowledge from the Buffington and Katz families. But, our greatest knowledge comes from connecting with the engineers who design the equipment, to better understand why they recommend certain specifications”.

CXR: “Thanks you so make for your time, it has been interesting and extremely educational”.

Kay: “It was my pleasure. Thank you for taking the time to reach out, and for your interest in phase converters and transformers for x-ray inspection equipment.”

After our conversation with Kay Industries, we did a little more digging and we found a study from Oregon State that shows:

Analysis of the voltage waveforms indicates that x-ray beams produced by three-phase systems have a higher effective energy and a higher exposure rate than those produced by single-phase equipment operated at the same kilovoltage and tube current.

Study link: BaroneGregoryJ1971.pdf

A simple Google search also revealed this commentary…

“The advantages of a 3 phase power supply for an x-ray machine include being 150% more efficient than a single phase power supply, never dropping to zero power, and allowing for smaller conductors to be used. This makes 3 phase more efficient at supplying power to large electrical machines like x-ray machines. Additionally, the higher ripple frequency of 360Hz in a 3 phase power supply results in 3 times as much x-rays being produced. In comparison to a 240V single phase service, a 240V three phase service requires smaller conductors, resulting in cost savings and easier installation. In the USA, the 240V single phase service is actually split-phase power, which splits the primary single phase voltage.”

Reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/3-phase-power-vs-single-phase-power.1945

In conclusion, even though 3-phase power is more efficient, for x-ray equipment involving inspection of voids and defects 3-phase powers is overkill when the x-ray equipment manufacturer specifies single-phase. It is nonetheless important to determine if the voltage needs transformation.

Another, question we are often asked is “Do I need to worry about radiation when I lease an x-ray machine from CXR Company?

For more on this topic see Do I need to worry about radiation >>>